Continuing Education
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On November 1, 2013 the new Mandatory Continuing Education Rule Requirements were put into effect for architects, professional engineers and professional surveyors. Architects licensed in Michigan are now required to obtain and document 24 hours of Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW) for licensing renewal by October 31, 2015 and every subsequent two year renewal period.

What does this mean for you? If your license renewal start was November 1, 2013, you are required to obtain 24 hours of approved Health, Safety and Welfare credits in order to renew your license 24 months later (November 1, 2015). For those license renewals on November 1, 2014, the full 24 credits will not need to be earned until November 1, 2016. The list of approved Continuing Education providers and subjects is listed in the new Rules (Rule 506), and fortunately for you, AIA Detroit is an approved sponsor!

The state of Michigan has released a letter to remind architects of these requirements, which you can view on AIA Michigan’s website here.

You can also download a complete copy of the Architect General Rules for continuing education here.