October 15, 2020
BEC-GD 2021 Board Election
Please assist the Building Enclosure Council in selecting a new Director to serve on their board!
Voting must be completed by 5pm on November 5th, 2020.
Brian Eady, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Architect, Project Manager | INFORM Studio
See his Resume HERE
Statement of Intent:
At the recommendation of Jacob Munchiando, I am writing to you to state my interest in joining the Board of Directors for the Greater Detroit Building Enclosure Council. As an AIA member with over a decade in the industry, I have been contemplating over the past several years where I could help make an impact within our architectural community. I have had my eye on the BEC for some time. I find professional value in the symposiums and seminars hosted by your organization. I also believe the trajectory of my career path and current role within INFORM Studio make this group a strong fit. In addition, several colleagues and mentors from early in my career have held positions within this group. I hold those individuals in high regard for the education they offered to me, and I feel like this is an opportunity to pay it forward.
To offer some background about myself, I’m a graduate of Lawrence Tech and have been in the industry for over 12 years. I’ve been licensed in the state of Michigan since 2014. My career started at Albert Kahn Associates, where my path had a heavy bent towards technical design. As part of their Architectural Development Group, I was able to gain a level of familiarity and eventual technical acumen with a wide range of enclosure systems through the mentorship of some very strong architects. As my career transitioned from intern to Project Architect, that experience has followed and grown. Six years ago, I joined INFORM Studio as a PM/PA and found myself on the opposite end of mentorship. Rather than having a stable of veteran architects to rely on for guidance, I found myself in a position where I was asked to help grow junior staff through mentorship. While a challenge at first, this experience has allowed me to grow professionally on several levels and is a big part of why I now serve our firm as the Director of Technical Design and Quality Assurance.
To my end, joining the BEC would not be entirely selfless. I want to contribute to our profession, but I am also a relatively young professional with a need for continued growth and education. I’m looking at this group as a catalyst for self-improvement. Based on the caliber of professional I know this group to contain, this appears to be a reasonable anticipation.
I would certainly appreciate your consideration as a nominee and am excited at the prospect of serving as a Director within the BEC. If you have any questions or need references, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Brandon Kinsey, Hon. Aff. AIAMI
District Sales Manager | CENTRIA
See his Resume HERE
Statement of Intent:
I have decided to run for a board of directors’ position within the Detroit Building Enclosure Council because I believe I can add value to the council in a variety of ways. I have been servicing the architectural, engineering and contracting communities in the metro Detroit area for nearly 22 years. Exterior envelope construction has become a passion for me. I thoroughly enjoy my job of consulting with so many design professionals. From brand new facades to 50-year-old retrofits. I look forward to bringing enthusiasm, new ideas and recruitment to the Detroit BEC.
Kristin Nelson AIA, NCARB
Architect, Assistant Professor | Detroit Mercy School of Architecture
See her Resume HERE
Statement of Intent:
I am writing to submit myself as a candidate for the open position on the Building Enclosure Council of Greater Detroit (BEC-GD) Board of Directors. I am currently an assistant professor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture, and I am a licensed architect with over a decade of experience practicing in firms of all sizes. I am interested in serving on the board for several reasons. I was honored to attend the IIBEC Virtual International Convention and Trade Show this June as one of the invited academic partners. Following the conference, the directors of the convention asked the academic attendees to participate in an online discussion, soliciting feedback on how to form more bridges and further develop existing links between IIBEC and academia. The responses were positive on all sides, with substantial interest in working together to develop and encourage student interest in the technical aspects of architecture, and working with the industry and the profession on research projects and student design competitions. Locally, I have also spoken with several BEC-GD officers at the conferences and workshops about identifying opportunities for collaboration.
With that being said, everyone is very busy with primary work responsibilities and existing service obligations. The conversations from the conferences tend to slide to the back burner until the next in-person conference or workshop, often with months in between discussions resulting in slow progress. I feel that joining the BEC-GD board would bring the conversations forward, both in frequency and at a level where action can be taken. I strongly believe that improved building enclosures are one of the most important aspects of contemporary architectural practice, and are one of the key components to meeting the urgent sustainability commitments of the industry. I also believe that a stronger link between academia, BEC-GD and IIBEC can advance the training opportunities for faculty and students, offer exciting research collaborations, and in the long view, act as one of the current movements to change the direction of architectural practice towards a more sustainable future. I propose that the most efficient way to do this is for a member of academia to join the BEC-GD board, and I humbly submit myself as a candidate to serve in this capacity.
Brian M. Rais AIA, NCARB, CSI
Principal, Senior Project Architect | Rogvoy Architects
See his Resume HERE
Statement of Intent:
I would like to thank Mr. Nicholas Mendenhall for the nomination to the open Board of Directors position. I am interested in filling the vacant post and know my professional experience will be beneficial to the Council.
I have been with Rogvoy Architects, PC for now 17-years as a Project Manager, Project Architect, and as of 5-years ago I become a Principal in the firm. My role within the firm includes building code analyst, office standard detail developer, specification writer, and most important, team leader. Currently, I am in the position of researching new building systems and finding ways to implement or improve upon the Rogvoy standards as well as sharing that knowledge with the Rogvoy team.
The forum that the Building Enclosure Council (BEC) provides through the hosted presentations of new building envelope products / systems and introductions to industry representatives has always piqued my interest. An advantage that evolves from the efforts of the BEC are the relationships established with industry professionals, product representatives, contractors, and sharing of their knowledge to further advance the built environment. The BEC has been a reference for my professional development as well as keeping me up to date on current and new building industry trends.
If selected I plan to contribute to the BEC’s efforts in “…fostering effective performance of building exteriors.” My experience in detailing, specification writing, and communicating with industry professionals will be beneficial to further advance the BEC mission. I am excited to contribute my technical skills and passion for new building technologies as a member of BEC Board of Directors.
Andrew A. Stone, AIA NCARB
Architect, Associate | Albert Kahn Associates
See his Resume HERE
Statement of Intent:
My name is Andrew Stone, and I’d like to formally express my interest in the open board position on the Building Enclosure Council of Greater Detroit. I have been a working in the field of architecture in Detroit for the last six years, and during the course of that time I’ve come to develop an affinity for, and interest in, the specifics behind building enclosure sciences. Since receiving my architectural license in 2017, a majority of my architectural experience has been focused on building enclosure and building performance. A number of high-performance buildings within the metro-Detroit area and Erie, Pennsylvania, make up the majority of my enclosure experiences. But, I’ve also used the knowledge I’ve gained over the years to creatively apply them to other situations, including a NASA-sponsored national design competition to design a 3D-printed habitat on Mars (in which, our team won third place).
Beginning in the years leading up to licensure, and continuing to this day, I greatly appreciated the work of the BEC-GD in striving to provide resources and opportunities for new and aspiring building professionals. The various symposiums and events helped immensely to not only increase my own knowledge of various products, problems, and solutions within the industry, but also worked to increase the collective knowledge of the construction industry within the region. If appointed to the position, I seek to continue the tradition of helping to pass along knowledge within the profession.
Though my professional career has been relatively short thus far, it was been shaped by the work of previous BEC-GD members, including Don Bauman and Pankaj Patel. Both have worked tirelessly to mentor me on numerous projects, and have sought to instill their passion for architecture, their devotion towards high-performance envelopes, and their knowledge from their years of experience within the field. It is with this energy and passion I would like to be considered for the open board position.
Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.