March 5, 2021

Why it’s so Important for YOU to be a Part of AIA MI’s Legislative Day

The annual Legislative Day event serves to establish AIA as an active participant in Michigan government affairs. 

We are in the first quarter of a new legislative session, the ideal time to get involved. REGISTER BY MARCH 12th HERE!

Advocacy requires (among other things) relationship building, visibility, awareness, and vigilance. The political environment is constantly evolving, so displaying a consistent presence by AIA is vital. Our professional lobbyist provides an important measure of stability, but Legislators must be convinced that AIA Michigan represents a significant, active constituency that is engaged in the public forum and will continue to be so engaged. 

AESLC (Architects-Engineers-Surveyors Legislative Committee) represents a cooperative effort between ACEC Michigan, AIA Michigan, MSPE, and MSPS and was formed to address political issues affecting professional engineers, architects, and surveyors.

AESLC meets at least quarterly and coordinates legislative activities for the four organizations. AESLC retains and provides direction to a multi-client lobbyist, Kelley Cawthorne.

Why Attend?

  • Advocacy –Legislative Day is AIA Michigan’s largest advocacy event of the year, organized specifically for AESLC. It is the one day of the year where architects, engineers, and surveyors from all over the state come together (virtually in 2021) to show strength in numbers and share their concerns and experience with legislators.
  • Knowledge –You’ll learn about the issues, how the legislative process works, and how the potential outcomes can affect our profession.
  • Educate –Lawmakers need you to educate them on the role professional architects and engineers play in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.   We are here as a resource for them.
  • Impact– Lawmakers need to hear from YOU, their constituents before they make decisions on legislative proposals that could significantly impact the architecture profession, construction industry, and our communities. By attending Legislative Day, you’re building relationships, helping to influence change, and make a difference.

The Issues we will be discussing:

  • Support the funding of infrastructure including clean water, public buildings, roads, bridges, dams, and energy systems.
  • Support legislation requiring a Qualification-Based Selection Process for design professionals on State of Michigan projects.
  • Support legislation updating Public Act 132  (important to the work of surveyors).

“What if I haven’t done this before?” Relax—you will be prepared!

Agenda & Expectations:

  • Register for the event.
  • Note that a donation to APAC (of any amount) is requested, but not required.
  • 17 March: You will receive your meeting times, issues, talking points, instructions, and a list of others who will be in the meetings with you.  Note that the earlier you register, the best chance of meeting with a legislator rather than staff!
  • 18 March, 8:00am-9:30am: Attend the preparatory webinar to go over the issues, understand the talking points and how to plan your 30-minute meeting.  Contact your groups outside of the webinar to plan who is going to open the meeting and who will discuss which talking points.  There may be some different people attending your meetings.  All first-timers? If your group needs an experienced member to attend your meeting—just ask!
  • 19 March, 8:00am-5:00pm:  Keep the event day flexible on your calendar for legislative meetings. You will be scheduled to virtually meet for one to four 30-minute meetings with your state senator(s) and/or representative(s) from your home and/or work districts). Sometimes you will meet with their staff if a legislator is not available.
  • Legislators receive a packet of our issues and talking points ahead of the legislative day. They also receive a list of those who will be meeting with them.
  • Take notes of any questions you can’t answer or follow up that you or AESLC should make.  Complete an online survey about your experience.

Follow up:

AESLC will deliver a thank you and information from all of our organizations to each legislator after the event.

Categories: AIA Detroit News   Membership  
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