  • Architect Application (AIA)

    Individuals who are licensed to practice architecture in the United states are invited to be a part of the leading organization representing the interests of the profession, The American Institute of Architects (AIA). One of the advantages of being a licensed architect member of the Institute is the use of the AIA credentials, identifying you as part of the community of architecture. AIA members adhere to AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and are required to strengthen their knowledge of the profession through continuing education requirements.

  • Associate Application (Assoc. AIA)

    Associate AIA members represent a group of individuals with diverse professional goals. The AIA invites recent graduates with a degree in architecture, individuals enrolled in the Intern Development Program (IDP), individuals who have a professional degree in architecture, individuals currently working under the supervision of an architect in a technical capacity directly related to the practice of architecture, or faculty members in a university program in architecture to become a member of their professional organization.

  • Allied AIA Membership

    Are you a designer? An artist? An engineer? A contractor? Are you working in a field that is related to architecture? AIA professional affiliate membership is designed for those individuals who do not qualify as AIA or associate AIA members but are employed outside the architectural practice and are involved in positions allied to the field of architecture. Professional affiliate members have the opportunity to share in all institute resources, programs, services, and activities, establishing relationships with architects that go beyond sales and specifications.