AIA Career Center

The AIA Career Center is your one stop shop for any resource you might need to jump-start the next phase of your architectural career.

Check out some featured aspects of the site below, or explore the AIA Career Center in its entirety HERE (


Emerging Professionals

AIA is the authoritative voice and resource for architecture students, recent graduates and newly licensed architects. Obtaining your license is a big step in your career. The process is demanding but the payoff gives you a competitive edge and the power to create your own future. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

View the Licensing Basics here or check out what AIA can do for architecture students here!



Continuing Education

We make it easy to stay at the top of your field with courses on trending topics and a transcript service that keeps track of your AIA Learning Units. In addition to meeting your AIA continuing education requirements, these courses are accepted by most state licensing boards.

View your Transcript here or check out AIAU here!



Knowledge Communities

Join an AIA Knowledge Community and connect with others who share your passions and commitment—and start a project that advances the profession and your work.

Sustainability, emerging technologies, small business, starting or managing a firm—no matter your interest, there is an AIA Knowledge Community for you.

View all Communities here or check out the other resources the AIA Career Center has to offer here!