detroit institute of arts | lecture hall
screening | 6:00pm
panel | 6:30pm
museum admission required for entry contact Ashley at Ashley.Flintoff@smithgroupjjr.com
A Girl is a Fellow Here
100 Women Architects in the Studio of Frank
Lloyd Wright (2009). A BWAF-produced film written
and directed by Beverly Willis, FAIA
Beverly Willis, FAIA
Founder, Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation
Cynthia Weese, FAIA
Founding Partner, Weese Langley Weese
Tracy Sweeney, AIA
Project Architect and Senior Associate, Fanning Howey
Naomi Beasley
Graduate Student, University of Detroit Mercy
Presented by
AIA Detroit
Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation, Society for Architecture Historians, Rossetti Architects, American Interiors
Afterglow at Fourteen East Cafe sponsored by:
Kimball Office, D.L. Couch