Date: | Time: May - September, 2021

Sidewalk Architecture & Civic Pride: Call for Installation Designs

AIA Detroit has updated the submission timeline (see below), as it has been confirmed that Light Up Livernois is no longer taking place this year, and we are searching for other opportunities to display the installations.

Because of a generous grant given by the Michigan Architectural Foundation, AIA Detroit, in partnership with NOMA Detroit, is proud to present the Sidewalk Architecture & Civic Pride Installation design competition.

This endeavor was inspired by recent happenings, such as Society’s Cage by SmithGroup and the Parkers Alley 313 Heart by Studio M Detroit. Installations can be a powerful tool when designed well; they can be employed not only to communicate relevant information, but also to encourage civic pride in a city’s history, urban planning, and architectural significance.

The Detroit Sidewalk Architecture installation design must be both architecturally informed and simultaneously uplift a user’s experience, stimulating an emotional connection and encouraging civic pride in Detroit’s architectural heritage.

Up to 2 installation designs will be selected to be constructed for the September Month of Design, including at Beacon Park for the AIAD 2021 Celebration of Architecture Featured Watch Party on September 8th. Members of the design team will be given a budget of $2,000 and will be expected to stand with their constructed designs, engaging with the public and distributing printed information on the Michigan Architectural Foundation, NOMA Detroit, and AIA Detroit.


  • Must uplift a user’s experience & inspire civic pride
  • Must fit within a 10’x10’ space
  • Must be easily constructed (in less than 4 hours) and easily deconstructed in order to be stored by AIAD for later installs
  • Must be constructed using only a $2,000 budget
  • Submissions will be a PDF no more than 5 pages and must include a 250-word description and any relevant renderings, details, sketches, & diagrams

Brought down to the scale of the pedestrian, this program will be an interactive reminder of how essential architecture is to one’s everyday life. Thousands of people are expected to interact with these installations, so sign up if you are interested in submitting a design to showcase your talent!


  • JULY: Installation designs are DUE at 5:00pm – send to
  • JULY 5-30: A Jury will meet to decide on two winning designs
  • AUGUST 2: Winners are notified
  • AUGUST 2 – SEPTEMBER 1: Teams construct their designs & make install process as efficient as possible
  • SEPEMBER: Installations are constructed (currently searching for an additional opportunity in early September)
  • SEPTEMBER 8: Installations are set up & featured at Beacon Park during the Celebration Live Broadcast

Thank you to our generous sponsor!  The Michigan Architectural Foundation is dedicated to advancing awareness of how architecture enriches life.

Learn more about the MAF here.