Date: December 08, 2021 | Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm - 6 AIA Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW) Credits

Building Codes ICC Seminar: 2018 IBC Accessibility & Usability: Commercial and Residential

An ICC event featuring the 2018 International Building Code

6 Health, Safety, Welfare (HSW) AIA Learning Units will be provided by the ICC.


Cost: Attend in-person or virtually!
$100 AIA Members
$150 Non-AIA Members

8:30am – 9:00am: Attendee Check-In
9:00am – 12:00pm: Morning Session
12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00pm – 4:00pm: Afternoon Session

This seminar focuses on the minimum requirements for new or existing construction of accessible commercial buildings and residential facilities for compliance with the International Building Code® (IBC®) and ICC A117.1 Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities. It addresses the design, plan review and inspection of residential buildings and facilities to ensure that people with physical impairments, visual impairments and hearing impairments can use the facilities. Attendees will participate in activities that involve questions and answers.

The following publication is included with this course: “Accessibility & Usability Commercial and Residential” (IBC®). Virtual attendees will receive a PDF of this publication.  VIRTUAL ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER BY DECEMBER 1ST TO BE GUARANTEED A PDF OF THE “Accessibility & Usability Commercial and Residential” BOOK

Learning Objectives:
• Recognize which accessibility requirements are enforceable by the building official.
• Determine the extent to which accessibility code provisions apply to the design and construction of any institutional or residential facility, as well as alteration or change of occupancy of an existing building.
• Identify the basis for the technical requirements set forth in the referenced standard.
• Identify scoping and technical requirements for: Exterior accessible routes (accessible routes criteria, accessible parking spaces, curb ramps and signage); Accessible entry and means of egress (entrances, means of egress, areas of refuge, exterior area for assisted rescue); Interior accessible routes (accessible rout criteria, elevators, lifts, ramps, and doors); Building features and facilities (toilet and bathing facilities, drinking fountains and customer service facilities); Special occupancies (dining, self-service, storage, recreational) Dwelling and sleeping units (transient lodging and institutional units); Existing structure requirements in the International Existing Building Code (IEBC)

Jay Woodward
International Code Council

Jay is a Senior Staff Architect with ICC’s Business and Product Development department and works out of the Lenexa, Kansas Distribution Center. His primary responsibility is the development of new ICC publications and instructing seminars. Among the publications he has authored or co-authored are the Significant Changes books on the IBC, IMC and A117.1 standard, and the recent ICC book Firestopping, Joint Systems and Dampers.

With over 30 years of experience in building design, construction, code enforcement and
instruction, Jay’s experience provides him with the ability to communicate effectively on
issues of code application and design for code enforcement personnel as well as
architects and designers. Jay has previously served as the secretariat for the ICC A117.1 standard committee, ICC’s Energy Conservation Code and the International Building Code’s Fire Safety Code Development committee.