November 15, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm America/Detroit Timezone
WSU Industry Innovation Center "Inventors Room"
461 Burroughs, Detroit
MI 48202

RSVP HEREhttps://aiad2018annualmeeting.eventbrite.comThose unable to attend the 2018 Annual Meeting may request an absentee ballot by emailing elections@aiadetroit.com with your name and AIA Member number. (You must be an AIA Detroit Member in good standing to vote)

All current AIA Detroit Members are encouraged to join us for the 2018 Annual Meeting, taking place on Thursday, November 15th, at the Industry Innovation Center, formerly known as NextEnergy. This meeting will include the annual report to the membership on significant accomplishments, events, and programming throughout the past year, and the election of the 2018 AIA Detroit Board of Directors.

Join with Google Hangouts: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/YWlhZGV0cm9pdG9ubGluZUBnbWFpbC5jb20.2fbu2eln5dqo4dtat1i3uq9qcn?hs=121